Freedom Loving Americans Celebrate No Mask Required Policy At NC State Fair

At the NC State Fairgrounds, things are finally starting to fall into place.
The NC State Fair is just one week away from Thursday, and everyone is looking forward to a huge comeback after the fear mongers on the oligarch owned media scared everyone into staying home for a virus with a 99.98% survival rate for people under 50 years old.
North Carolinians Are Tired of the Media Lies
Now that people have realized how much the oligarch owned news companies have been lying to them about the severity of COVID and the need for masks that don’t prevent the transmission of a virus with a 99.98% survival rate, this year’s fair will not be requiring anyone to wear a useless mask – both indoors and outdoors.
Furthermore, they’re also not requiring a negative COVID-19 test. This is most likely due to the fact that the COVID tests are not only expensive but also highly inaccurate, giving off a huge false positive rate.
No Authoritarian Vax Mandates Allowed
And thankfully, because we live America, land of the free and home of the brave, and not in a communist state, no proof of vaccination is necessary either. Which makes perfect sense considering you can still get, spread and die from COVID if you’ve been vaccinated, which makes the proof of vaccination utterly useless.
Unfortunately, Wake County and the City of Raleigh are still caught up in the fear mongering that the oligarch owned media spread last year and thus they’re still requiring people wear a mask indoors, even though they they don’t prevent people from getting and spreading a virus with a 99.98% survival rate.
Ironically though, when you do a little digging, you soon find out that the useless mask mandates in Raleigh don’t apply to state-run buildings. Most likely they just know better and aren’t playing along with the stupidity.
Fair Goers Ecstatic The Fair Is Embracing Liberty
“I’m sick and tired of the people on TV trying to scare us to death,” said Tammy, a mother of three in Orange County. “I knew this whole thing was BS when I didn’t see one homeless person dead on the street. Why is that you could riot all last summer for social justice, but if you went to church those evil people on the news called you a super spreader?!”
Tammy was very upset that the NC Fair bought into the COVID hysteria last year and decided to not have the event. She’s very much looking forward to taking her kids and her loving husband to the Fair next week.
Enjoy mask free freedom at this years NC State Fair.