Dax The Rapper’s New Song Titled Propaganda Is Waking People Up Fast
In his most recent video titled “PROPAGANDA”, DAX the rapper takes aim at the lying oligarch owned media that are purposely pushing out Anti-American propaganda to brainwash Americans into hating their own country.
In the insanely viral video that has already received 2.8 million views and 221,000 likes in less than a month, DAX explains that too many people are just trusting the talking heads on TV and not doing any of their own research or critical thinking, which is causing Americans to be brainwashed at an alarming rate.
Dax The Rapper – Propaganda Video Featuring Tom MacDonald
Most Popular Comments on YouTube
The comments at the bottom of the video show just how strong DAX’s message is for Americans. Here are just a handful of the most popular ones:
- “Hope this one wakes some people up!!! LETS GET IT!”
- “This is one way to tell if an artist hasn’t sold their soul…!”
- “Dax and Tom are the only artist out there telling the truth”
- “went to bed with the American dream and woke up in nightmerica…” beautifully said Thomas… beautifully said ???”
- “0% dirty words, 0% naked girls & 100% talent.”
- “Damn this hits different when you realize a lot of your loved ones are deceived and as a result they move different than how they used to. Feeling this heavy fellas ??”
- “Unfortunately the people who really need to hear this as well as most of Toms artistry ….never will. Youtubes censorship and algorithms will shade them from THE TRUTH. Dax…first time listener and your something serious as well! Thank Yall”
- “This song gave me chills. This is exactly how it feels to be awake in a world where people are asleep. WW3 is a psychological and biowar.”
- “I seriously needed to hear this in the times were in. So much bs news when my wife is fighting her health and trying to take care of my family in these hard times and then gotta have leaders like we do that can’t lead. This song is full truth and you both did amazing!”
- “idk if it was done intentionally or if it was an angles thing, but that scene with the connection from the dude to the news shows the connection going from the reporter’s mouth directly to the guy’s heart. it has a more full effect because he is taking everything the reporter says to heart at face value without letting it cross his mind first.”
- “It’s been a LONG time since a song brought an actual tear to my eye, holy crap!”
- “This is great man, speaks to my soul- “they” just want you to focus on “their” facts and stories. They want people to feel like the world is ending. They want people to be so wrapped up in social media that people do nothing else.”
- “I’m looking forward to the day that we have taken back our country and I can come to your show and stand in the crowd and hear this live as a free and sovereign being. It makes me cry to think of this moment!! <3 Thank you both for being warriors in the battle for truth. So scary that half of America doesn’t even realize that we are in the middle of WWiii. A battle for our hearts and minds.”
- “This is such a badass song, great job on it Dax and Tom Macdonald!❤️”
- “Love this song and understand the message so clearly…. hopefully. Worlds to soft nowadays and can’t say or do anything without someone taking offense or something stupid in that regard. That or people are just racist and keep the cycle going when we are all the same in the end. Shouldn’t matter about skin color, religion, etc we are all the same in the end. Either way keep it up and love what you make, makes those that watch and listen feel whole. Keep it up and keep it ? Dax, you are the man and some of our voices too.”
- “Tom, your lyrics make me feel a roller coaster of emotions. God bless you. Great job with Dax on this one!!! Really powerful words about the election and sheep being asleep and blinded by fake news.”
You can read more comments by going to the video on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmaqK8GwTcI
Dax Propaganda Lyrics
For those of you that want to sing along as you listen to the video, here are the lyrics:
Don’t lose yourself
and all i see is propaganda, in the world
all i see is propaganda
and all I see is propaganda
All I see is propaganda
And All I see is propaganda
And All I see is propaganda
Ooo o o…
United we stand divided we fall
New Year’s Eve they’ve been dropping the ball
in-da-pen how we denting the game we don’t write to the sound applause,
Hidden truths dotted lines, ain’t neva signed, stood and remained a boss
In a world that is full a Facades where if you speak you get nailed to a cross
I won’t be silent, I am outspoken,
I am the product of pain so when you see my name know fame could never break down a brain that is already broken
Every wound is paid devotion they fill words as I purge emotion,
scabs tear drop I hits that bleed lies from demonic omens
The system decides we spend we buy while most of our time is spent in bed,
the dreams we have all stay inside we sleep and wake then live with regret
The price of life is half the cost the price of fame could cost you head if infamy is Watchu seek and propagandas why you spread
and All I see is propaganda
All I see is propaganda
And All I see is propaganda
And All I see is propaganda
Ooo o o…
Look what they did
They convince us all that everything we say is racist
And blood will change it
That’s what happens
Y’all need balance
Y’all need blacks and whites and lefts and rights to stop the madness
They planned it (they did)
It’s Trump or Biden
we all been divided right in the streets
Elections have always been rigged I ain’t surprised if somebody cheats
All I see is pentagrams of the propaganda
But our priority’s a vaccine
It ain’t for wolves to find the flock when the sheep are fast asleep
To many people lack character
To many journalists scaring ya
To many pencils attempting to rewrite the constitution
they probably gon tear it up
I love the country but I don’t trust the people taking care of us
We went to bed with the American dream we woke up in nightmerica
and All I see is propaganda
All I see is propaganda
And All I see is propaganda
And All I see is propaganda
Ooo o o…