NC House Passes Free the Smiles Act Returning Student Masking Decisions Back to Parents

Law Returns Rights Back To Parents
The North Carolina House has passed the Free the Smiles Act in a veto-proof, bipartisan vote of 76-42. The bill puts the decision whether to mask your children or not at school back in the hands of the parents, instead of in the hands of the government.

NC House Speaker Tim Moore
North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said, “All health care decisions for our students belong with their parents, not with politicians or bureaucrats. No one cares about these children more than their parents, and no one is better-suited to make these decisions.”
He continued, “This action is long overdue. While politicians have failed to roll back these onerous restrictions that have resulted in learning loss, young children have paid the heaviest price for ongoing mandates and restrictions that are simply not based on science or current data.”
Once the Free The Smiles Act was passed by the NC House, North Carolina Democrat Governor, Roy Cooper, was finally forced to remove the unconstitutional mask mandates.
Masks Never Stopped The Spread of COVID
One of the reasons why the Free The Smiles Act became necessary was because of the continuous push by left leaning news organizations that “masks save lives”, when that was never true, nor based in science.
To the contrary, it has been well known and documented for decades that masks do not stop the spread of viruses like COVID, which is why it is clearly stated on surgical mask boxes that masks don’t stop the spread of viruses.
Bloomberg Explains How Masks Didn’t Work
Bloomberg recently covered this fact in their February 2022 article Mask Mandates Didn’t Make Much of a Difference Anyway.
Anthony Fauci Was Honest In The Beginning
At the beginning of the pandemic, Anthony Fauci was honest and told the American people not to worry about wearing a mask:
CNN Was Honest In The Beginning
Even CNN was honest about it in the beginning:
The NIH Told The Truth
The National Institute of Health (NIH) even put out an informational graphic to explain to Americans how the COVID virus was over 1,500% smaller than the smallest pore on the front of surgical masks:
This fact spawned hundreds of memes that people used on Facebook and Twitter to try to explain to people that the masks were not the life savers they were being told they were by left leaning media that was trying to keep them in a state of fear for some reason:
The National Institute of Health (NIH) also put out a scientific paper titled “Do facemasks protect against COVID19?” in which they explained that wearing a mask for hours and hours could actually increase your chances of catching and spreading COVID:
The FDA Told The Truth
The FDA was also honest with American people, explaining on their website that masks are “for use in surgical settings and do not provide full protection from inhalation of airborne pathogens, such as viruses.”
Negative Effects of Masks On Kids
There have also been several studies done on the long term effects of wearing a mask for hours every day. The NIH displayed the compiled list of potential harmful effects in a paper they released in November 2020 titled Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis.
Table 1 of this paper, titled “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Wearing Facemask and Their Potential Health Consequences.”, offers a litany of potential negative side effects of wearing a mask for a prolonged period of time. These negative side effects include headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, fear, chronic stress condition, fatigue, self-contamination, cancer, etc.
The damage the useless masks did to our children was well covered back in April 2021 by AEIR in their article The Dangers of Masks.
Rules For Thee, But Not For Me
Over the last two years, everyday people started noticing that the politicians that were forcing people to wear masks every where they went, weren’t wearing masks themselves. There are countless photos and videos of these Democrat politicians laughing about how the masks are all theater and not wearing one when the cameras weren’t rolling.
The most recent example is of the Democrat politician, Stacey Abrams, going maskless at a school surrounded by kids that were being FORCED to wear masks.
Further adding fuel to the fire, people also saw Hollywood celebrities going maskless at events such as the SAG Awards, but yet every day people were expected to send their kids to school the next day wearing an ineffective mask all day long.
In California, they even removed the mask mandate for the Super Bowl, but then demanded everyday people mask their children the next day at school.
Children’s Extremely Low Risk Confirmed
Another reason why the mask mandates were lifted in North Carolina is because the CDC confirmed back in the summer of 2020 that children are the least likely to be effected by COVID. With a 99.997% survival rate, it’s no wonder the BBC published their July 2021 article titled: Covid: Children’s extremely low risk confirmed by study.
Forcing Kids To Wear Useless Masks Is Child Abuse
Over the last two years, as more and more parents came to realize that the masks were mostly useless and could indeed be harming their children, a growing number of vocal parents started speaking up for their children and asking their schools to remove the mask mandates. Most schools simply sided with the local school board and local mandates, forcing parents to take their demands to remove the unconstitutional mask mandates to their House representatives and their Governor. While the masks may now be gone, the anger from parents will last forever.
People Still Wear Masks To Virtue Signal
Even those that knew masks didn’t stop the spread of COVID continued to wear them and forced their kids to to do the same because they wanted to fit in and because of the daily harassment from people that didn’t know the left leaning media they were listening to was lying to them about the effectiveness of masks.
While we should all be tolerant of people wanting to wear masks if they want to, we should by no means FORCE those around us to wear a mask that never slowed or stopped the spread of COVID.
- NC General Assembly Senate Bill 173 History
- Final Senate Bill 173 – Ratified Bill
- Mask Mandates Didn’t Make Much of a Difference Anyway
- NIH Paper: Do facemasks protect against COVID19?
- NIH Paper: Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
- Covid: Children’s extremely low risk confirmed by study
- AEIR Article: The Dangers of Masks
- Stacey Abrams slammed for maskless pic surrounded by masked kids
- University of Florida lab finds dangerous pathogens on nearly all children’s face masks tested